EAP Marketing Analysis

Enterprise employer facing increasing demand for Mental Health and Total Wellness services wants to identify an EAP provider that can meet evolving employer and employee needs.
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet
person in black long sleeve shirt holding babys feet

The objective here was to deliver a Technical and Pricing analysis report that evaluated vendor responses to the employer's RFP. The employer identified general and specific objectives that they wanted to accomplish with their EAP program, and tasked our team with coordinating with their internal HR and Purchasing teams to assess how the responding vendors proposed to meet these goals.

In wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the employer wanted to make EAP services more accessible for their employee via multiple engagement points. So, we reviewed and categorized each vendors' narrative consistent with the employer's evaluation criteria and generally attempted to make it easier for the employer's evaluation committee to identify which proposers could deliver enhanced services, and their value proposition.